Poland follow Up
Poland follow Up
FAIR TRADE and RESPONSIBLE CONSUMERS (FTRC) KA 152YOU Youth Exchange (15 to 20 years old)
Duration: 01.03.2023 - 31.12.2023
The selection of students for the project FAIR TRADE and RESPONSIBLE CONSUMERS (FTRC) KA 152YOU began with a conversation with the school psychologist and class teachers. Grade 1-2 students who are interested in environmental sciences have been selected. Therefore, themes related to fair trade are close to them. School psychologist helped to select people at risk of exclusion. After students were selected for the project, they were offered to participate and consent was obtained from their parents to participate in the project.
Students during the project prepared logos:
Also participants prepared posters:
Participants and leaders took part in meeting online, organized by the organizer, Mr. Nicolas Nicolaou. Polish team filled task: visiting supermarkets to search for fair trade products. The students visited 3 supermarkets. Only two had fair trade products: Lidl and Rossmann.
Youth Exchange Meeting in PISSOURI.
8 participants and 2 leaders took part in the meeting.
Participants were able to work independently. collaborate, work in teams, and communicate ideas. They developed personal values and attributes such as as honesty, resilience, empathy, and respect for others. They had the knowledge, skills, understanding and values to establish and maintain healthy, satisfying lives. Participants developed or improved all eight key competencies under the framework of YouthPass.
Every day, students and leaders prepared news on school web site about all project activities:
News 1
News 2
News 3
News 4
News 5
News 6
News 7
Magdalena Szewczyk – coordinator of ERASMUS + organized an event were participants presented the project fair trade. The event was organized 17.10 in ERASMUS DAYS at Liceum Salezjańskie in Wrocław.
Also we published articles:
Youtube movie: https://youtu.be/zWUYEagdUOM?feature=shared
What our participants told us about the project:
Mikołaj Kosowski
The project made me understand why ensuring Fair trade is so important. After returning, I started paying more attention to what and where I'm buying. On this trip, I overcame all my barriers and became a more open person This project also allowed me to meet many friends that I still keep to this day. The entire project was very well planned and organized. A large number of group work allowed us to understand the points of view of peers from other countries. The accommodation was also of a very high standard. which positively influenced my assessment of the project as a whole. The only downside of the entire trip for me was the insufficient number of trips to get to. know Cyprus better.However, despite everything, it was one of the best trips I have
Zofia Gontar
Our project in Cyprus, which is called "Fair Trade Responsible Consumers" and my participating in it absolutely changed my perception about the world and myself. I left my comfort zone and opened up for others, and that helps me to get know more about the main topic of project. I was unaware, because I didn't focus about problems around trade before. The organizers prepared so many opportunities and tasks for us, to present the goals and thanks to that, we were really into it. They attracted our attention to important things, like justice for workers, and finally we started become interested in it ourselves. We didn't leave these desires for nothing and we made our own projects for companies, which could use the "fair trade" products. We were also spending time with young from other countries, not only in project tasks but after them too. Everyone was very curious abour each others, we enjoyed that time together by long talking, spending time at the beach and traveling - in our case to the Aphrodite's rock and Paphos city. Also cultures and traditions of every country, were crucial points throughout our time in Pissouri. I really appreciate that we could learn about our national things from people who know them in the best way. I'm so thankful for that chance to be part of the project.
Piotr Matusewicz
Thanks to this
project, I had a chance to visit Cyprus, which I really enjoyed. I also had the
opportunity to meet wonderful people and new cultures. I was able to exchange
my views with people from other countries. The trip was very well planned
logistically. Also I was able to learn to swim in the hotel pool. Which made me
very happy. I liked the activities very much because they included group work
as well as sports competition. Also I really enjoyed the short games before the
activities, which stimulated all the participants. The trip was great. I am
grateful that I was able to participate in this project
Mikołaj Suwalski
Participating in the Fair Trade and Responsible Customers Erasmus was a great experience. Not only I learned how I can help the Fair Trade movement but also I met people whom I will never forget. This project has broadened my worldview as well as allowed me to develop my passion and experience in a completely new field. Other participants were very helpful and open minded as well as the leaders who turned out to all be friendly and well-organized. I could freely express my thoughts knowing everybody was willing to listen to my opinions. I also got a chance to get acquainted with the Cypriot culture and traditions. I participated in numerous fun and educational activities such as designing our own fair trade products, what taught me how to effectively work in a team and how to manage a budget responsibly, but most importantly they all helped me to improve my social skills. Participation in this Erasmus was an unforgettable experience and I can't wait to join some other similar projects in the future.
Maciej Kowalski
The project was very
successful. Thanks to it I practiced my English, and understood that it is
worth learning languages. I got to know many interesting and open-minded people
and the culture of different countries. The project also gave me the opportunity
to visit a new and beautiful place - Cyprus. The project develops courage and
self-confidence, but also communication skills with people from abroad, which
is very useful and important in life. It was an amazing experience.
Maks Szewczyk
It was my first time participating in such a project. It was my first time flying on a plane. It was an important experience for me to meet so many people. I'm glad I could get acquainted with the English language. I don't say much yet, but I'm slowly opening up to new people I meet. I liked the organization of the project and my free time at the swimming pool. I try to talk about the Erasmus project at my school.
Filip Miksiewicz
During my participation in the Erasmus project "Fair Trade and Responsible Customers" from September 16th to 23rd, I had an incredible time exploring Pissouri and Paphos. The locals we met shared stories about Cypriot traditions, making our experience even more enriching. Making friends with folks from Lithuania, Portugal, Bulgaria, and Spain was definitely a highlight. The project was really well-organized, keeping us busy with various activities. Aside from the serious fair trade discussions, we had icebreakers that helped us bond and morning activities that perked us up. Learning why choosing fair trade products is important, even if they cost more, was eye-opening. Understanding how profits are shared among farmers, exporters, and sellers was interesting too. In one task, we had to come up with a fair way for everyone involved to make an equal profit from selling products, taking on different roles. This experience was a blast, not just for learning about fair trade but also for the friendships formed and the fun moments shared. It was a amazing week filled with discovery, connection, and new perspectives .
Magda Szewczyk
Participating in the
project as a leader allowed me to take a closer look at the methods of working
with young people. Fair trade issues are important today because they make
people sensitive to the needs of the poor and allow us to take a broad look at global
problems. I am happy to integrate with my group as well as other leaders.
I am satisfied with the organization of the project, although sometimes I was
tired with the amount of activity. I know that my group has developed a lot and
acquired many competences.
Helena Hodera
From September 16 to 24, I took part in the Fair Trade project in Cyprus. The classes that took place during the project were very interesting. I liked their form, for example designing my own Fair Trade or top 10 product. During the project, I managed to develop my language skills and overcome the language barrier. I met a lot of new people. However, I didn't like the lack of organization at some points. For example, during the top 10 where we had to guess who the youngest participant in project a was, and then they tried to check it in some strange way. Despite this, I remember the whole trip very well.
Anna Grzybowska
From 16 to 24 of
September 2023 I took part in the Erasmus+ Fair Trade and Responsible Consumers
project. Every day there were various activities that helped me understand the
ideas of Fair Trade. Participating in this project allowed me to improve my language
skills. It also made me more confident of my abilities. I really liked also
that participants from my country were very involved in all phases of the
project. They worked in international groups and implemented their ideas and
projects. Everyday activities like: integration games, various projects
have made me aware of how Fair Trade helps farmers and workers in
developing countries. The project was a very valuable experience for me, also
thanks to the cultural evenings, during which I could learn interesting things
about other countries participating in the project