Partners Organisations
Partners Organisations
Open Soul is a newly created association in Poland. We wanted to create a safe place for everybody. We can see what our communities need and we want to give opportunities to fulfil those needs. Open Soul has been created because of the common problem in Poland which is young people's fear of discovering and trying new things. We want encourage young people to travel, use foreign languages, get to know unknown cultures, discover talents and use them to change the world. As a newly created NGO we haven't taken part in many projects. However, members of Open Soul are familiar with the Erasmus + projects. They have taken part in writing and also participating in projects for High schools and projects like YE or ToT. Open Soul's main goals are to create a place in where you will find support, help and prospects for self-development.
Nó Górdio is an association founded in 2015.
The purpose of the association is to provide services of a moral, cultural and material nature to persons and groups that lack them, developing activities to protect children, youth, the elderly, the family and the community, pursuing their well-being through solidarity and help. Our Association will develop to the good of the whole
.We promote, organize and develop social activities and / or events, with recreational, formative, cultural, social and competitive purposes.
We promote the exchange and cooperation with national and foreign associations and institutions that pursue objectives identical to those of the association.
We have participated (and we are still participating) in several Erasmus + projects selecting the adequate participants, doing all the preparation of the participants and support them with travel and other issues to implement the projects. We did/do the forward steps to disseminate and divulgate the results of the projects.
Asociacion Egeria Desarrollo Social, Spain
Asociacion Egeria Desarrollo Social is an association open to young people and adults regardless of their economic, social, religious or cultural background focused on feminism and human rights education, located in Malaga (Spain). We work in gender equality education, prevention of gender-based violence and women empowerment, also human rights in general. We promote nonformal education as a tool to create a positive impact in the society.
Our main goals are:
- Contributing to the construction of a free discrimination society.
- Promoting critical thinking and analysis in young people
- Promoting feminism, human rights defense, culture, and knowledge. As per as education in values and international culture to create a positive impact on the society.
- Promoting women participation in politics and public space.
- Raising awareness, training and integrating young people.
- Promoting women entrepreneurship, employment, and self-employment
- Working against inequalities and implement/increase social justice
We belong to Agora Women Federation, Municipal Women Council, Provincial Women Council, Andalusian Women Council, COMPI (National Coordinator of Women Association for participation and equality) and UNITED against racism network
.We have experience in Erasmus+ (KA1 and KA2) and local projects focused on youth participation, educational programmes, intercultural understanding, entrepreneurship, employability, human rights, but also art, sport and culture which we more often utilized as the working method, too.
As a feminist organization our main work is questioning the reality and society and combat misogeny. Our goal is changing society and we joint the hate speech compaing of the council and the sexist hate speech.
Within our activities, we promote and apply principles of volunteering, social inclusion, equality in human dignity, participation and empowerment of minorities, active initiatives, non-formal education and informal learning, within young people and as well with adult people. Especially we work on the promotion of gender equality among young people and women rights. We especially focus on a broad range of women's issues, including economic justice, pay equity, racial discrimination, women´s health and body image, women with disabilities, reproductive rights and justice, family law, LGTBQI rights, representation of women in media and global feminist issues. We promote gender mainstreaming in all the project which we participate and we give gender perspective to them. Additionally we promote social economy specialy focused in research about feminist economy participating in several conferences about the topic.
NGO Young generation in Action, Bulgaria
In the Young Generation in Action we have gathered two project coordinators, one trainer and psychologist, a social media marketing agent and two volunteers who are actively engaged in the activies, performed by the organization. All of us are considered young experts, since we have been actively joining youth work and projects for the past four years, including youth exchanges, training courses and project management and facilitation.
Dani Torimatsov is the founder of YGA, as well as the psychology expert and is mostly engaged in the training of participants and volunteers in the organization and abroad. His calming leadership and kind approach towards each individual makes him a great trainer and facilitator in all sorts of training and learning mobilities. That attitude provides for the general understanding and atmoshphere in the group and embeds for easy and efficient learning process. What is more, he has been active in writing, since in the past half year he was invited to write three articles for widespread magazines and publishers in Bulgaria. What makes him special is his ability to see through people's intentions and always seek for the good in each person, no judgement, no prejudice, simply understanding the individual.
Yoanna Yordanova has been a project coordinator and writer for the past year and a half, as a volunteer in an experienced organization in Bulgaria. She would prepare, communicate and implement meetings with partners and group mobilities in Bulgaria and abroad. Her job also includes the creation of preparational materials like presentations, posters, info-packs, etc., as well as the communication with participants prior, during and after mobility. Her experience in the field of youth work makes her a valuable addition to our team and provides for a better understanding of the needs of young people in general.
We have a team of three volunteers who are managing the Young Generation in Action's social media profiles in Facebook, Instagram and Tik-tok with overall 20,000 followers. This gives us the ability to reach young people who are completely unfamiliar with the Erasmus+ program and the opportunities surrounding it. Furthermore, through social media we tend to engage young people in researches, needs analysis, evaluation forms, learning processes and so on. Our plan for the following year is to set up a blog and a youtube channel, both focusing on psychology, development, youth work and Erasmus+.
NGO Jaunimo laisvalaikio centras, Lithuania
Public institution Youth Leisure Center was established in 2008 with the purpose - to increase Youth socialization and integration to society. The institution is reaching to bring up individual personalities, which are able to decide responsibly and creatively own problems and actively take part in the life of society. Youth center spread youth people social competence, helps youth to integrate to political, economical, social and cultural country and government life, promote youth initiative, self-expression, give ability to realize themselves and participate in youth exchange programs. The institution act in these sectors: information, meaningful organisation of leisure time, consultation, non-formal education. Youth leisure center connects all groups of young people, especially who have fewer opportunities.
The centre has experience in youth exchange projects, in the implementation of multilateral and bilateral youth exchange projects, has close contacts with foreign partners. Competence in working with young people: young people with fewer opportunities for the integration of socially responsible activities, social competencies, the formal system of education of young people drop out (drop outs) motivation, volunteering promotion, promotion of healthy living, environmental education. Existing experience suggests that Youth Leisure center not only capable and competent to carry out the upcoming youth exchange project, but also for the quality of cooperation between the partner countries, non-formal education, youth participation and other priority work with youth.