Lithuania Follow Up
Lithuania Follow Up
ORGANIZATION: Public institution: Youth Leisure Centre (viešoji įstaiga Jaunimo laisvalaikio centras)
Applicant and coordination organization of this project, Active Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance, ACPELIA, Stadiou 58, Pissouri, 4607, Limassol, Cyprus.
Lithuanian participants for the project FAIR TRADE and RESPONSIBLE CONSUMERS (FTRC) KA 152YOU were selected from the volunteers and visitors of the youth center. The process started in March 2023. After the selection, there were group meetings. planning/preparation meetings, team-building activities. There were a lot of communication in the "FTRC_Lithuania" Facebook group.
Participants and Leaders took part in an online meeting organized by ACPELIA on June 12.
Emilja participated in project's logo competition:
Each participant and leader prepared an introduction poster with a little information about himself:
Lithuanian group had a discussion about youth exchange topics. For some young people, it was their first introduction to Fairtrade. The problem in our region is awareness – consumers don't know enough to demand or prefer certified products, and retailers, sellers and manufacturers don't yet know enough (or care enough) to allow for more fair trade opportunities.
After the meeting the group members had the task of visiting shopping places in Ukmergė and Vilnius, and looking for products with the Fair trade logo.
participants were actively involved in searching for fair trade goods in
supermarkets. After they made posters about "What Fair trade is?", "Fair trade
in the Baltic states", "How to recognize" and "Just numbers..".
A few weeks before going to Cyprus, participants discussed how they would prepare for the intercultural evening and how they would present Lithuania. Shared responsibilities and made a plan.
16th September 2023—Sunday, September 24th—8 participants and 2 leaders took part in the Youth Exchange.
Lithuanian group took part in many activities independently, collaborated, and worked in teams and communicated ideas. They developed personal values and priorities. They have the knowledges, skills, and understandings about Fair trade Global program, whitch empowered the youth to learn about the world, appreciation of cultural diversity, social justice, human rights and building sustainable futures. The training used methods of simulation games, debates, brainstorming, working in small groups, role-playing to learn about different perspectives of a global issue of fair trade.
Dissemination during youth exchange:
- https://www.facebook.com/reel/279785511517315
- https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=639484148274367&set=pcb.639484198274362
- https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=640267064862742&set=pcb.640267144862734
- https://www.facebook.com/jaunimolaisvalaikiocentras/videos/1292231221659527
2 follow-up activities, organized by the partner organisation:
After returning back to the lithuanian group on October 17th organized dissemination activity for young people in our centre. They organized a presentation about Fairtrade. demonstrated and tasted products, marked with the fairtrade mark, and discussed in small groups, the meaning and benefits of this global movement.
activity organized in Vinius, in "Žalianamis" youth centre. Vaiva and Žiedė made
a presentation of the project, discussed with visitors about Fairtrade. Girls
also made a Kahoot game.
Evaluation Paragraph and feedback from participants
ŽIEDĖ. I put my all into this project. I shared my opinion and ideas with everyone, involved myself in different, varied tasks and energizers. I've given a lot of advice that has made me connect with a lot of new people. Participating in this project gave me many opportunities and information about what Fair trade is. Fair trade gave me an understanding of companies, farmer cooperatives, I learned what is needed to make trade fair. I also had the opportunity to learn about the traditions of other countries and involve myself in it - in dances, in the language and culture of other participants. You also improved your English and communication skills. I had more responsibility and awareness of the environment.
NEVA EMILIJA. I was active while participating in the project, so I was able to contribute to many activities. My contribution to the project was that I found a video for the cultural evening, which many liked, I gave people memories with me, I taught foreigners Lithuanian words. I think I could have contributed more, but I will know that now I need to be braver. I improved my English because it was very good practice to speak with foreigners. I also learned to stand up for my opinion more, to substantiate it. I had to learn punctuality because they wrote 0 points for being late.
KASPARAS. I helped my team create a game, I gave them many ideas that they used, I learned about fair trade, about income and entrepreneurship. I had the opportunity to communicate and learn English better, get to know people from other countries and get to know their culture, I got to know the nature and beautiful views of Cyprus.
EMILIJA. I gave the people of another country knowledge about my country. I participated in activities where I contributed to the team's work, sharing ideas with others and offering something interesting. I encouraged others to take action, thus giving them the opportunity to experience adventures and see a lot of interesting things. what did i get I improved my knowledge of the English language. I learned a lot about the traditions of other countries, about FAIR TRADE, because before that I didn't know anything about it. I also got a routine that was helpful. Although it was difficult in the mornings, it was good to have some schedule.
NOJUS. I gave good emotions to the people around me, participated in all theoretical activities, helped to solve problems in team activities, improved my knowledge of English, learned about the culture and customs of other countries, improved my skills in team activities, learned more about the social movement - FairTrade.
FAUSTA. I feel that my contribution to this project was my good mood. Also my desire to know and communicate with everyone. I gained new knowledge from this project. Not only about "Fairtrade", but about the culture of different countries, about their way of communication and friendliness. Participating in this project made me understand how to appreciate good things and opportunities. In addition, I became more patient and punctual. I realized that memories last forever, so we need as many of them as possible.
DAVID. I put a lot of myself into this project, I opened myself up a lot both to the tasks I was given and to all the people I became friends with. I tried to get involved in all the activities that took place in this project and to help those who were struggling to do so. I learned to overcome people's fear by performing my song in front of all the people there. I learned not to be afraid to try and do what I love.
VAIVCA. In this project, I contributed to
various group activities. In the orienteering game around town, I took the lead
and was responsible for completing all the tasks and making sure we didn't lose
a single member along the way. I also learned a lot about fair trade and its
benefits for producers and quality, in the future I will be able to share this
information with other people and thus encourage the public to choose fair
trade products. I met many interesting people and made friends from abroad. I broadened
my horizons and learned a lot about Cypriot culture. I saw many beautiful
sights and felt what it means to live in Cyprus. I got to know new smells and
tastes, the climate and the sea. I am grateful that the Erasmus project gave me
the opportunity to gain new knowledge and experience.