Agreement No: 



Youth Exchange (15 to 20 years old)

Duration: 01.03.2023 - 31.12.2023



Duration: From 1/03/2023 till 31/12/2023, 10 months

Accomodation: Pissouri, Limassol, Cyprus, Hylatio Tourist village

Countries: Portugal, Poland, Cyprus, Spain, Lithuania and Bulgaria


Activity: 16 to 24 of September 2023 (including travelling days), Youth Exchange (8 youngsters (ages 15 to 20) and 2 leaders from each organization). Through this program we want to promote understanding of our interdependence and the importance of working for a just future in which all people have access to their basic needs sustainably

Organisation and persons

Applicant Organisation: Active Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance, ACPELIA, email: acpeliacy@gmail.com

Coordinator: Nikolas Nikolaou, email: nicckolas44@gmail.com

Trainers - Facilitators: Magdalena Szewczyk, Agata Lech, Małgorzata Kujawa from OPEN SOUL Poland

Main Idea

Main Idea - Main Aims

Main Aims of the Youth Exchange that we are organise are:

  • learning new methods of Non Formal Global Education
  • promotion understanding of our interdependence and the importance of working for a just future in which all people have access to their basic needs sustainably.

  • promotion of understanding of social justice and human rights and the contribution they make to peace building and conflict resolution.
  • promotion of understanding of identity and cultural diversity and its importance in developing intercultural understanding and personal and social capability.
  • understanding of sustainable futures and the importance of developing skills of critical and creative thinking and ethical understanding.
  • to awareness young people and youth trainers about enviromental life
  • to develop the right of a healthly environment, a healthy life for all people in the world.
  • to built new youth project about environment
  • to encourage young people to engage in occupations that have to do with the environment, thus contributing to the problem of unemployment
  • to increase entrepreneurship among the young people, with new ideas
  • to encourage young people to respect the environment because in this way they respect also their neighbours
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